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Our service will provide giving education to the less fortunate people of Texas and the southern states. Together our bussiness out there we will build a website, a creative logo, a catchy motto and most importantly an awesome fundraiser. As our fundraiser we will create a carnival. It won’t be an average carnival though. We will have a high tech carnival that creates a innovative technological experience. We can partner with companys like Dell and Google. Dell has a headquarters in Austin which is why Dell will agree to help. Dell also supports a lot of charitys and NPOs. Google provides a lot of assistance for the community and helps a lot. With the alliences with these two  company’s the limitations are endless. So many people will be educated if this bussiness grows and grows our goal is to change the US poverty rate to 10%.


Our main customers, that we are hoping to get, is the richer more privalaged families, to donate to help other unprivalaged children get quality education, to help them prosper in life. We also want big tech companies, such as Apple, and Dell. We want to partner with these companies to get funding, and to help give kids a more inovative way to learn. We want to get teachers, and experienced individuals to come and volunteer at our facilities.  


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